
  • Attendance
  • Club Introduction
  • The Playdate
  • Next Week



  • Abu Shettima
  • Lavender Wilson
  • Matthew Williams
  • Paul Shriner


  • Chibuiken Asuzu
  • Ethan West
  • Hanner
  • Jonathan Buckel
  • Jon Riley
  • Kevin Kauffman
  • Maddey Miller
  • Michael Paterno

Club Introduction

About SDC

We love everything related to developing software! We were founded in 2019, with the goal of helping CS students with classes, but now we’re more focused on doing things outside of the usual class material (though we’re fully open to helping anyone who needs it).


We’re known by both Programming club and Software Development club; the two are synonymous.

Why Software Development

Software development is everywhere, even for non-CS students. It’s very helpful for automating repetitive actions, for example.

What You’ll Learn

We’re going to be exploring a variety of topics, including:

  • Version control
  • Group collaboration
  • The Lua programming language
  • Using Git and GitHub
  • Linux and its distros

Meet the Officers

Paul Shriner

  • President
  • Oversees everything for the club and is the main point of contact
  • Interested in anything technology related, plays some video games (both retro and modern)

Matthew Williams

  • Vice president
  • Did game development in HS

Lavender Wilson

  • Secretary
  • Takes notes, won’t be talking much during meetings
  • Unusual hobbies include building keyboards and speedcubing

Abu Shettima

  • Treasurer
  • Will introduce himself next time, was unable to speak through Discord

To stay transparent, all of our officer meetings will be held on Discord voice channels (we’ll do our best to put notifications in #club-meeting-chat for when we do so)

The Playdate

The Playdate is a modern take on the GameBoy; it has a monochrome screen, a similar control scheme (d-pad, a, and b button), it has gyroscopic sensors, and an analog crank on the right side.

We plan on making a few Playdate games/projects as a club; all the resources to develop for it are free online, and it has in-depth documentation.

Through these projects, we’ll teach club members how to properly use Git and GitHub, as well as good practices for contributing to group projects.

Demo Game

The projects that we’ll be working on as a club will be available publicly on the SDC GitHub organization (the runner game the officers made over the summer is under the playdate-runner repository).

Next Week

Next time we’ll be getting members’ environments set up so that they can download, edit, and run sample Playdate games on their systems. We’ll be primarily using VSCode for this, as it has some nice features that make developing easier.

The meeting will take place 5-6PM on Tuesday, September 3rd.