
  • Attendance
  • Playdate Progress/Direction
  • Next Week


  • Lavender Wilson
  • Matthew Williams
  • Paul Shriner

Playdate Progress/Direction


Paul showed off a prototype of the game that he made. It is very simple, using a sprite from one of the examples; the focus was on the core elements of the game (running, jumping, spawning and hitting objects).

Continuing Development

For now, we plan on version controlling this project so that we can present it at the club fair. We’ll have a stable branch that is ready to play/present at any time, and feature branches that will have what is currently being worked on.

The project will be tracked on the club’s GitHub page.


For now, Lavender has agreed to work on the player physics, and Matt wanted to work on adding ducking.

Next Week

Next week’s meeting will be on Monday, July 15th at 7 PM.