- Attendance
- Playdate/Gameboy Development
- Playdate and Lua Resources
- Next Week
- Abu Shettima
- Jonathan Buckel
- Lavender Wilson
- Matthew Williams
- Paul Shriner
Playdate/Gameboy Development
For the Gameboy, options include:
- Developing in Assembly (ASM) - probably a bad move.
- Developing in C (particularly the Gameboy Development Kit) - actually does not seem bad.
- Developing via a more visual IDE (GBStudio) - could be good due to its ease of access/use.
In general, we think Gameboy could be the harder route to go due to it’s older hardware and lower level programming, which would be less accessible to newer members.
For the Playdate, options include:
- Developing in Lua - the primary language on the Playdate.
- Developing in C - available for those who are interested in going low level or seeking more performance. C can be used with Lua.
Overall, it seems the Playdate would be a better interest to the club due to its newer hardware and higher level programming. We found that getting started was much easier than expected, allowing for creating simple games quickly (which could be very exciting for new members).
Now that we’ve decided to develop something for the Playdate, we need to brainstorm some smaller projects to work on. Ideas that are simple but buildable upon are the kinds of projects that we want.
Abu shared an interesting idea for a game combining details from trivia games and RPGs. The player would be asked a trivia question and then the correctness of the answer would influence the following RPG section. We also discussed some other kind of retro-styled game, but concluded these ideas were not necessarily the scope that we want.
Playdate and Lua Resources
- Lua
- VSCode Lua extension
- Playdate SDK (includes some example games)
- Playdate reference docs
- VSCode Playdate extension (includes a launch.json)
Next Week
The officers’ assignment is to explore Playdate development and focus on a specific area to improve their skills and experience with. These areas include:
- Graphics
- Sound
- Logic
- Data Structures
Our next meeting will be on Monday, June 10th at 7 PM, feel free to drop by!