
  • Attendance
  • Club Direction
  • Unguided Discussion
  • Next Week


  • Jonathan Buckel
  • Lavender Wilson
  • Matthew Williams
  • Paul Maclean
  • Paul Shriner

Club Direction

We’ve recently been struggling to retain new members. The current officers seemed to have joined because they were interested in furthering their career and learning things outside of classes. However, we think that that approach is not very popular among the majority of students.

We asked former officers of the club for advice; their suggestions were extremely helpful and inciteful! We greatly appreciate their feedback!

The overall changes we feel need to happen include:

  • Make meetings and the club overall less formal.
  • Reduce the number of presentation meetings (which are rigid and mostly unengaging), instead encouraging more general discussions and fun activities.
  • Broaden the scope of the club, especially focusing on more casual social events. We will need to be careful not to spread ourselves out too thin.
  • Appeal to a newer and less serious audience.

Unguided Discussion

Club Fair Preparations

We aim to start planning for the first club fair in the upcoming semester soon. We want to have a nice display as well as something to give out (such as stickers with our club logo).

First Week of Fall 2024

We also want to focus efforts on spreading word about the club; we think that word of mouth is a good way to get people to consider joining. We plan on communicating with our advisor and professors to see if they would be willing to help us with members.


Printing flyers has worked decently well in the past, but our current design is too complicated and wordy. We want to make a new flyer that’s simpler.

Meeting Content/Structure

The content last semester didn’t seem very engaging to most students, and was often too rigid/serious. We want a much more casual environment for the majority of the meetings (meetings with speakers will probably be more serious).

To create a more casual and inviting environment, the officers will all need to actively engage members and encourage discussion. If only one or two officers are talking, others may feel they can’t jump in the conversation.

Next Week

We won’t have a meeting Monday next week as it’s Memorial Day. We’ll post the next meeting time on Discord as soon as we can!

For the contents of next week, we want to start with discussing activities we can have during club meetings that are aimed towards newer/less experienced members, as well as list the things that we’re passionate about which we could incorporate into meeting topics.