
  • Attendance
  • General Meeting Agendas
  • Constitution
  • Unguided Discussions
  • Next Meeting


  • Abu Shettima
  • Christian Messmer
  • Lavender Wilson
  • Matthew Williams
  • Paul Shriner
  • Rob Krency

Meeting Agendas

From now on, we’ll have 1-2 main discussion topics, followed by more scattered/unrelated discussions.


Last week, some of our officers looked at sections of our constitution for potential adjustments. Some of the sections were relatively simple/less important, and so were skipped.

Separately, Christian recommends that we focus on only changing the name of the club on the constitution, and instead putting our time towards more important topics (such as gaining members in the near future).

He also mentioned that, so long as nobody commits any kind of fraud, PennWest does not really enforce club constitutions very much, especially for smaller clubs.

Article 4 - Officers

  • Details (through a general description) the roles, powers, and responsibilities/duties of each of the officers.
  • This information was not very descriptive, instead leaning more towards vagueness (a trend we noticed throughout the constitution).
  • Our club has not been doing much budget-wise recently.

Article 5 - Removal

  • Describes how officers may be removed, given that they “fail to perform [their] duties.”
  • This section is way too short and missing pertinent information.
  • We intend to expand upon the general scenarios where a vote may be called to remove an officer.
  • The process of removal should include a chance for the offending officer to form a rebuttal.

Article 6 - Meetings

  • About the weekly meetings.
  • While vague, it does serve its purpose and leaves flexibility to decide the rest of the meeting details.
  • Now that common hour is gone, this is likely for the better.

Article 7 - Quorum

  • Details the number/amount of members and officers that must be present in order for a club meeting to take place.
  • Currently set at 50% of active members with at least 2 officers.
  • We tend to have all 4 officers, and since we have a relatively small active member pool, the 50% minimum is met more often than not.

Article 8 - Advisor

  • Discusses information surrounding the advisor.
  • We want to be more specific about the advisor’s roles and the possibility of multiple advisors.
  • We also noted that we currently do not make very much use of our advisor; we should reach out to her more for general advice.

Unguided Discussions

Fall Meeting Times

Most clubs will need to think about new meeting times for club meetings since common hour was removed (us included). We have previously discussed having in-person and/or hybrid meetings later in the day, most likely on a Tuesday, a Thursday, or maybe both.

We plan to have the meetings in the same room as usual, though we discussed potentially having a different room (both because Eberly may not be available later in the day as well as that students may not want to come to club meetings in the same room as their other classes).

Club Fair

We discussed some aspects of the club fair, since it pertains to gaining members. We primarily recalled our past few experiences at club fairs, which did not go very well (only getting the interest of about 1 or 2 people each time, and not having much to show off).

We want to be more prepared for the next club fair(s), but since they are still a ways away, we decided to discuss strategies and preparation details in a later meeting – likely coming up naturally from discussing plans to increase membership.

Next Meeting

Next week, we’ll be focusing much more on general strategies to gain new members.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 20th at 8:30 PM, feel free to drop by!