
  • Attendance
  • Announcements from Club Advisor
  • LeetCode Problems
  • Next Week


  • Abu Shettima
  • Jeremiah Neff
  • Kelsey Pugh
  • Matthew Williams
  • Nicholas Frischkorn
  • Paul Shriner
  • Pio DiPofi
  • Christian Messmer (at club fair)
  • Lavender Wilson (at club fair)

Announcements from Club Advisor

The advisor for the Software Development Club (Dr. Menon) brought forward a few opportunities for events that our club could participate in.

Pacise Programming Conference

A programming contest will be held from April 5th - April 6th, 2024. If we want to participate, we will need to allocate funds for travel expenses. The advisor indicated that she will look into determining the steps that we would need to take to prepare if we are interested.


This event will be held at PennWest on April 17th, 2024. The advisor suggested that the students within the club who are in a Senior Project course could complete a poster to present their projects. Funding may need to be allocated for materials to complete poster presentations.

LeetCode Problems

The following LeetCode problems were covered during the meeting:

Next Week

Next week, we will be having a meeting on Thursday at 11 AM in Eberly 342.