
  • Attendance
  • Room Details
  • First Week Meeting
  • Club Fair
  • Commuters
  • Coding Competition
  • Club Project Attempts
  • GitHub Student Developer Pack Note
  • Next Week


  • Christian Messmer
  • Lavender Wilson
  • Matthew Williams
  • Paul Shriner

Room Details

We have not yet had the chance to reserve the usual meeting room, and details on how to do so were run over during the meeting. As usual, meetings will be on Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Eberly 342.

First Week Meeting

In our first meeting, we will do a semi-quick primer/refresher on GitHub (what it is, how to use it, etc).

Club Fair

Historically they have been on Thursdays, so we will have to decide whether we will have a club meeting that day. The current plan is to focus on hosting our table at the fair to garner more attention and skipping that meeting.


Discussed how friendly/unfriendly the club is for commuters. We found no huge issues (being in the middle of the day) but there were only 2 people in this meeting who were commuters that could give input.

Coding Competition

Discussed whether or not we should attend a coding competition brought up by a professor. Competitions are generally composed of creating algorithms, code/game jams (open ended prompts), or writing very obscure code (among other styles that were not brought up in this meeting).

Club Project Attempts

The club projects always seem to die; if we want to do something similar, we need someone to be in charge of running it. We have the base of a Discord bot available, though we still need to decide on the scope of the project. Christian suggested starting with recreating react-roles, and then seeing what we want to do once we get there.

A game, while sounding good, seems like it would be a little too much for us to be able to handle at once. Working on a Discord bot would allow us to be more modular with its development, allowing us to keep the tasks small and manageable.

Some features mentioned to consider developing for the Discord bot:

  • Using react-roles (main feature to start on, has utility)
  • Playing tic-tac-toe with users
    • Knowing the solved states of tic-tac-toe (impossible to win against)
  • Playing rock-paper-scissors

GitHub Student Developer Pack Note

Since some students have old IDs (prior to the rebranding), the signup process may not accept their application if the student uses their ID. Instead, you can take a picture of your student profile in Student Self-Service. This will also be reiterated during the GitHub presentation in the first meeting.

Next Week

We plan on having some LeetCode problems (easy and medium) to sift through and decide which ones we want to keep for meetings during the spring semester.

Next week’s meeting will take place virtually. The day and time are currently unknown at the time of writing (since two of the members will be unavailable at the usual time), but once we have it figured out the announcements will be at the usual times (1 day before and 30 minutes before).