
  • Attendance
  • Finalizing Meeting Plans
  • Other Discussions
  • Next Week


  • Christian Messmer
  • Matthew Williams
  • Paul Shriner
  • Lavender Wilson
  • Jonathan Buckel (for the last few minutes)

Finalizing Meeting Plans

Christian’s ideas:

  • Making the most out of your internship
  • Another workshop with the Career Center
  • Make / Makefiles (macros for compiling/running programs)
  • Having PTC over again / having Highmark present
  • Writing testable code / writing unit tests

Paul’s ideas:

  • Malware
  • Why you should learn/use a Linux dev environment (WSL or otherwise)

Matthew’s Ideas:

  • Copilot / Coding assistants

Lavender’s Ideas:

  • Refresher on GitHub
  • How to write good documentation

Other Discussions

Some other ideas discussed during the meeting (mainly focused on generating interest for the club):

  • Seeing if we can host events that give extra credit for intro CS classes
    • Code jam style

Next Week

Same time next week (5 P.M. on January 4th); planning on looking through some easy LeetCode problems to keep in our back pocket in the meantime.