
  • Paul Shriner
  • Luke Bates
  • Karl Miller
  • Bob Krency


We attended the club fair with the aim of reaching new members and networking with other clubs. Bob brought donuts from his family bakery which were our #1 draw!

Graphic Design Club

Graphic Design Club has a service called Studio24. You can pay for graphic design and the club will realize it. They have an Instagram.

Some takeaways:

  • We could utilize their design services for creating assets for club projects, such as character sprites for the club game.
  • We could possibly trade them a static website for graphic design services.
  • They could iterate the club logo.
  • We could take a page from their notes and start a Development Service where we fund raise by charging other clubs and individuals to develop for them.

Robotics Club

They said they need programmers. Karl joined their discord.

Finance Club

Karl talked to Austin from the Finance Club about Quant analysis. He was interested in collaborating. He mentioned a platform called Think or Swim that might let you program interactive brokers.

Career Center

Karl spoke with Rhonda Gifford from the career center. Getting Erie Insurance to speak to the club is still in the pipeline. We might also have an in at Highmark. We might also be able to have Krissie Doppelheuer speak to the club about resume creation and job search, and/or Meaghan Clister speak about getting internships. A lot of our members are interested in internships and Karl thinks it’s a good idea to get some more exposure through these avenues.


Jakob, a CIS student, who has attended our meetings, and who has been working on launching a monetized AI app, is willing to talk to the club about his experiences with entrepreneurship. He’s also willing to give out free access to his app in exchange for Quality Assurance. (bug finding)


The school radio station is going to mention the club at some point soon.

Other takeaways

Next club fair, we should have a poster or other vertical attraction. We should definitely do donuts again if possible.

We should keep trying to recruit people outside our major.

Agenda Next Meeting

  • Possible Speaker; tbd soon
  • Otherwise, talk about the possibility of creating our own Software Design studio (taking page from Studio24)