- Abu Shettima
- Zachary Teixido
- Matthew Williams
- Jeremiah Neff
- Christian Messmer
- Brandon Mastin
- David
- Gage
- We encouraged all club members to create a GitHub account, join the club organization, and create a pull request.
- We continued our discussion with game or project ideas for the club.
- The Career Center mentioned that Erie Insurance was possibly interested in talking about internship opportunities. However, there has been no confirmation from Erie Insurance at this time.
Git Discussion
- Git is a local binary that runs on your computer.
- Git is a software solution for version control.
- The purpose of Git is to save the current state of your entire directory.
- GitHub and BitBucket are examples of cloud hosting services.
- These services make it very easy to share your code.
- The concept is similar to a tree structure. People edit their “nodes”, and merge the updates together, into the master branch.
Installing Git on Windows
- Download Git for Windows here
- In the installer, most default options will suffice. (Exception: Vim is the default text editor. We do not recommend this option. Select VS Code from the drop-down menu.)
- After navigating the installer, open your command-line, and type
. This will ensure it has installed properly.
Git Command-Line
These commands will be entered via command-line. (Hint: use dir
and cd C:\go\to\this\directory
commands to navigate to your desired folder)
git init
This will setup your current directory with git. Use this command FIRST to setup a project in a local, newly created folder!
git clone
This will download a project from a cloud hosting service, like GitHub.
git config --global "My Name"
Set your global username. Required for the Git GUI in VS Code.
git config --global ""
Set your global email. Required for the Git GUI in VS Code.
git status
Retrieves information about your project. (Such as the current branch you are using)
git add *
Prepares all untracked (newly created) files to be committed. Typically, you would do this before a commit.
git commit -m "Here is a basic summary of my newest contributions."
Commits all tracked files, along with a message. Ideally, the message should provide relevant information.
git remote add origin
Upload a local repository to a new GitHub repository.
git push
Upload your local changes to GitHub. Ensure your local repository is connected to a GitHub repository, using the command provided above.
Git Integration with VS Code
- When you open VS Code, focus on the left-most panel. There should be an icon for “source control” (The icon resembles a tree with nodes).
- The GUI will provide ways to initialize Git, add untracked files, commit changes, and push commits.
- The GUI is much more user friendly, but the console is much more powerful.
Members Made Pull Requests
- Everyone was encouraged to pull request to the Resources repository in the club organization.
- We received contributions from
, andDTBdude
, where Karl merged their changes into the master branch.
Game Ideas
- Christian suggested a fighting game against the three mascots from the three campuses.
- He suggested that we would need a game engine.
- There were suggestions to use M.U.G.E.N. We looked into GitHub to find a pre-build project to use as a base.
No votes were held this meeting.
Agenda for Next Meeting (Sep 14 2023)
- Karl and Paul will not be present during the meeting. They will be attending the club fair, in hopes to promote the club.
- Christian plans to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on VS Code, and continue the discussion for our game idea.