
  • Enjoyed a pizza party.
  • Talked about primary projects for the club (game or application) to focus on. Robert opened a Google Forms post on the Discord server. Club members were given the chance to provide ideas for this project.
  • Members were reminded that formal election for officers will be held at the end of this semester.
  • We need ideas for merchandise (hats or mouse pads)?
  • We must organize our budgets. We received another $200 from SAI. Here is a list of items to budget for.
    • Meals
    • Refreshments
    • Public Events
    • Cloud Hosting
    • Virtual Private Server
    • Arduino


Vote Luke as Secretary

  • Second by Christian and Jon.
  • 10 votes for.
  • 0 votes against.

Vote for Former President Paul’s Presentation Topic

  • 5 votes for “Docker”.
  • 3 votes for “Pipelines”.
  • 1 vote for “Testing”.
  • 0 votes for “NextJS”.
  • 0 votes for “Master Degrees”.