Note: If we misspelled any names or didn’t get your last name, our apologies, please let us know. We will also try to get it next meeting.
- Karl Miller
- Luke Bates
- Christian Messmer
- Paul Shriner
- Gage Keslar
- Robert Krency
- Jeremiah Neff
- Jonathan Buckel
- Abu (Last name?)
- Matthew (Williams?)
- Brandon Mastin
- Nicky (spelling?, Last name?)
- Jakob (Last name?)
- David (Last name?)
- William (Last name?)
- Karl introduced the officers of the club: Himself as President, Christian as Vice President, and Paul as Treasurer.
- Karl nominated Luke for Secretary, Jon seconded. The club will vote on this nomination next week. Additional nominations can be submitted to Karl or mentioned in the Discord. This is an interim election to replace the previous Secretary who transferred.
- Karl discussed the reasoning for re-branding the “Programming Club” as the “Software Development Club”. We needed to broaden the scope of the club to a bigger audience. Art majors, Business majors, CIS majors, and CS majors - anyone interested in software development - are welcome additions to the club.
- Members briefly introduced themselves.
- Karl discussed the GitHub repository. We recommend creating a personal GitHub account and joining the club repo at
- Christian pointed out that the club must tailor to the interests of its members.
- Christian suggested tutoring intro classes.
- Running another code jam eventually. Possibly over a longer period, like a week, and with more open ended topics. May be a task for a future semester.
- A Discord moderator for the server.
- Christian wants to help with debugging.
- Jeremiah suggests to contribute to pre-existing open source projects.
- Jon suggests a text-based MUD.
- Abu suggests a Zelda-esque game / crawler with a card game mechanic.
- Robert wants to explore resources for deployment.
- Jeremiah mentioned getting involved with the Discord bot.
- Discussed getting merchandise.
Pending Events
- Meetings, Q&A with alumni.
- Event with PTC at some point.
- Explore open source software repositories.
- LeetCode problems.
- Member and/or officer presentations on tech subjects of interest.
- Pizza party next week. May be held in a different room, over concerns of food near computer equipment.
- Members should use their real names on the discord server.
- No votes were held this meeting.
Agenda for Next Meeting
- Vote on Luke for Secretary
- Talk about game ideas.
- Pizza Party
- Discord Bot talk
- Budget issues