
  • Karl Miller
  • Paul Shriner
  • Luke Bates
  • Christian Messmer
  • Jonathan Buckel



We applied the new logo and redid the server name.

Room change to Eberly

  • Christian will try to find out what room we are looking at in Eberly.
  • Christian will work on an Engage posting.
  • We need to ensure we have a room with a projector or some other means of video conference
    • Christian requested room 342 in Eberly


  • Each board member will come up with some fliers
  • We will paper the campus first day

Meeting Time

  • Thursday 11:00 AM

Schedule + Speakers

  • Need to redo schedule with Thursday dates
  • Karl and Christian will ask people from their work to speak to the club
  • Alumni speaking to club
  • Prof. Chen has some alumni who made games

Pizza Party

  • Karl will order pizzas day before, confirm morning of
  • Karl will pay out of pocket, get reimbursed from SAI

Email Professor Menon

  • Karl will email Professor Menon, CC Professor Chen


  • Motion to adopt logo, unofficially rename club (4-0)
  • Motion to set meeting time to 11:00 AM on Thursdays this semester (4-0)

Agenda Next Meeting

  • Renaming GitHub
  • Renaming Website
  • Fliers expo
  • Schedule setup
  • Work on presentations with extra time
  • Christian and Karl will meet at 12:00 PM on Monday to go to SAI to request about a room also to talk about the Pizza Party
  • Ask around on Monday about this as well
  • Karl and Christian will try to meet
  • Merch stuff!