
  • Luke Bates
  • Karl Miller
  • Paul Shriner
  • Christian Messmer



  • We will have a vote on the first day for Secretary (8/22/2023)
  • We will see if Ryan Merrow will do a presentation on 10/17/2023
  • Nominations for presidential election will open on 11/7/2023
  • Election will be held on 11/21/2023
  • We should have something easy for midterm week and possibly the week prior

Game Club Game Jam

  • Christian is going to follow up with Game Club about the day.
  • Reminder that Game Makers Toolkit has a game jam July 1st-3rd


  • We could buy Programming Club merchandise for prizes.
  • We could do a big competition with good prizes or more with lesser prizes.
  • Another good prize is something someone could tinker with

Ideas for events

  • Code Jam

    • This might not be great for new programmers
    • It can be daunting
    • We had low participation last semester
  • Collaborative Prize

    • Best collaborative PR of the semester
    • Best new repository of the semester
    • Best personal programming project of the semester
  • Programming Contest

    • Treasure hunt, cryptographic
    • Pepper in clues throughout semester
    • First to solve gets something (e.g. merch)
  • Some set number of problems

    • Board acts as judges
    • LeetCode challenges
    • code challenges
    • specific problems
  • Member recruitment prizes

    • Printify
    • Bee Graphics
    • Raffle tickets for a prize?

Logo and Rebranding

  • Luke likes the 3D Logo
  • Luke wants to incorporate a Windows 98 flag effect
  • Cal Coding Club?
  • Software Development Club?
  • We tend to like Software Development Club
  • It’s currently “Computer Programming Club”

Talk to Dr. Kovalchick

  • Could help with promoting the club with CIS
  • We could ask her to be the 2nd faculty advisor
  • We could also meet with Dr. Chen via Zoom if he is interested


  • Thursday session @ 5

Next Meeting

  • Saturday @ 5