- Karl Miller
- Paul Shriner
- Christian Messmer
- Heather Page
- Luke Bates
- Luke would welcome additional contributors to the logo. Karl and Heather said they would be interested.
- Luke is interested in doing a presentation regarding booting from a Linux partition.
- Christian is interested in doing a test-driven-development presentation.
- A VSCodium or VS Code presentation could be good.
Docker Presentation
- The Docker presentation Karl did was well received.
- If we were to add a Docker setup to the example repo, C#/ASP.NET was suggested for a few reasons:
- It ties nicely into the C based curriculum at PennWest
- A lot of employers seem to want it
- It’s a nice language
- The calendar is working well
- Voted next meeting 6/10 @ 5:00 PM (5-0 Aye)
- Heather is going to manage the calendar
Treasury Follow Up
- Karl got an email from the treasury saying that we only had until the 10th to spend the money from last year
- We passed a motion to spend all of last year’s money on Kamatera cloud hosting (5-0), assuming Karl gets in touch with SAI
- We identified the website as a good thing to work on as a group project
- People could contribute front end designs
- Anyone interested in the website will meet on Thursday @5:00 PM to talk about stacks and technologies
Note: The website repo is started. It’s a React app. Check out the repo here. Contributions are welcome.
We know we want to make sure the website can still support content in markdown format.
Agenda Next Meeting
Game Club Game Jam
- From July 7th to July 9th
- How do we promote it
- Who wants to enter
- What tech do we want to use
Logo Talk
- Karl has some assets to use for a new logo
- Karl has access to accounts now and wants to propose a name change of the organization on GitHub
Ryan Willing to Speak to Club
- Next semester, Ryan Merow is willing to do a talk to the club. It could be great content for members to hear from a professional who was personally involved in the Programming Club. We should schedule it in advance and add it to the calendar. He also reminded me that he didn’t do it alone, and suggested I also reach out to Paul, Mike, and Anthony.